Spring Sprang Sprung

Greetings traders and happy spring time here in the northern hemisphere!

It has been a while since I posted my trades here and that is because I have not been daytrading a lot due to holiday, work commitment, and I just don’t feel like babysitting every trades I have.

As I hinted several time previously on this blog, I do trade in higher timeframe for my swing trades but until now, I never really felt that it is “exciting” enough to write on a blog. I mean… you click a few buttons to buy, close your software, and in a few days or weeks, you log back in to close them. Yeah, not the best for a trading journal.

I did, however, change my mind. I think these trades need to be blogged somehow because it is still important to track and maybe one day it’ll be useful.

Without further ado, I have now revamped the Methodology page to include this swing trading method called “TNS Support & Resistance”. Additionally, due to the nature of swing trading, I don’t pay attention to day to day news cycle as much since there is no use to do that. Below are some of the financial data that I do look closely because I believe they will impact the market more than just a few hours of movement:

  • All Central Banks announcements. Fed, BOJ, SNB (liar liar pants on fire), ECB, RBNZ, RBA, BOC, etc.
  • US Employment Data (Nonfarm Payroll).
  • Global Dairy Trade (impacting NZD mostly).
  • Chinese Manufacturing data and other commodity news.
  • US CPI.
  • Germany/EU CPI and PMI.
  • Political “charade” (Grexit, US election, etc).

Having said that, here are some open positions:

  • Short AUD/JPY (1/3 position entered) @ 95.501
  • Short USD/CAD (runner position left) @ 1.27735

I have recently closed a bunch of positions thus there are not much open. Of course, I will update this blog when I open new position. Additionally, you can follow me on Twitter: @Nestledrink for a real time update.

I look forward to start posting more regularly again and hopefully we can learn something together.

Happy trading!!

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